Guiding you to new levels of calm, focus and persistence without the need for chemicals or substances! Learn how to use the power of your mind to control your present moment.

Welcome, I am excited to meet you! Learn a little about me and let me help you create the life you know you deserve!



Cathy Savino

Cathy is a highly sought after speaker, trainer and personal hypnotist who specializes in utilizing hypnosis as a way for her clients to achieve the best version of themselves. It is through her own experience and passion for hypnosis that she has found her ability to help others.


I always wanted to help people

I started my practice when I found Hypnotherapy was helpful for my own growth and expansion. After learning the basics I studied for years to master the art of Hypnosis and learned how to harness its power to help my clients create the best version of themselves. I have always wanted to help people and I found the perfect way when I discovered the power of hypnosis. As soon as I experienced it, I knew I wanted to share this gift with the world. Now, practicing for over 6 years, I have helped many people create their ideal future and I look forward to helping you too.

What is Hypnosis?

You can think of Hypnosis as a deep dream state where you are still in control of and aware of your surroundings but it allows you to reach into the deeper parts of your mind and access information and emotions not normally accessible. Many people say it is like a deep meditative state. It is not the hypnosis you see on Cruise ships, this is all about finding your best self and you are aware of the process that is occurring and only continues for as long as you are willing to! So many of my clients feel free, calm and focused after a session and it is perfect for people who need to work at peak performance. Athletes, business professionals, executives and those looking for self growth and enlightenment are perfect candidates for my process. But, the easiest way to know what Hypnosis is like is to try it! Reach out today and schedule an appointment to discover this ancient healing method which has helped countless people overcome the obstacles of their minds!

The unconscious mind records all the 1001 little details the conscious mind neglects.
— John Grinder, co-creator of NLP

Services & Pricing

At Guided Hypnosis Healing we specialize in helping you through some of the difficult transitions that life serves us all. Whether it be smoking cessation, weight loss support or past life regression therapy; we have a service that can help you to expand your mind, observe your emotions and create the best version of yourself.


  • Smoking Cessation

  • Weight Loss

  • Past Life Regression

  • Anxiety Reduction Techniques

